Professor Garg with MS students graduating in 2023At the May 2023 Graduation CeremonyAt the cement plant in Missouri as part of the field visit in CEE 502: Advanced Cement ChemistryProfessor Garg at Meta HQ in San FranciscoProfessor Garg with his former MS advisor, Professor Kejin WangSelected members of Garg Group attending the International Congress on The Chemistry of Cement in Bangkok, ThailandFriends and members of Garg Group at a dinner during the American Concrete Institute Convention Selected members of Garg Group attending the American Ceramic Society Cements meeting at Columbia University in New YorkProfessor Garg with his former PhD advisor, Professor Jorgen SkibstedFriends and members of Garg Group at a dinner in New YorkProfessor Garg with alumni Pablo RomeroGarg Group at the Illinois Union Bowling Alley, celebrating the end of the semester